Work Package 8 concerns the production of a Within-country analysis of all collected data. The work package is coordinated by UA (Belgium) during the months of March through June 2012.
A complementary and comparative analysis of the in-depth country data collected through the survey and the qualitative data-gathering will serve to test the hypotheses originally developed from the theoretical framework.
In each of the 4 countries and for all four locations, partners will do a detailed survey data-analysis and hypothesis-testing of the survey. In addition, they will do a detailed qualitative data analysis related to the theoretical framework, as well as a triangulation of the various types of qualitative data for the four locations in their respective countries. The human rights (including women’s rights) and democracy analysis of Work Package 2 Field description: Country and region reports will be linked and compared to survey and qualitative data results.
The findings of this work package will be published in four Project Papers (PP9 Turkey, PP10 Morocco, PP11 Ukraine, PP12 Senegal) and published on the project website in 2012.